Communication is something we do everyday and almost every minute of our waking hours. We talk, we emote, type messages, use email, and many a times, remain silent to show our reactions.
But when it comes to office etiquettes, we need to be careful what and how we use our communication skills. Having said that, we at Unnati, need to use these skills even more carefully and effectively, as we havent met each other or know the others as well as we do our workplace colleagues.
The major skills when it comes to effective communication, whether office or outside, comprises of LISTENING, CLARITY, FRIENDLINESS, CONFIDENCE, EMPATHY, RIGHT MEDIUM AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION.
We at Unnati won’t be able to use much or any of the non-verbal communication skills, like body language, signals and eye contact (though GIFs nowadays are giving us that fine help ;p). Hence the other forms of verbal and written communication becomes extremely important and the skills needed like clarity and using listening skills well to respond well, takes the cake. Wrong information or way of presenting (data requests, KRA misunderstanding or handling information from candidates) could hamper productivity and lead to time and energy wastage. Hence even though WFH communication with colleagues could get difficult, it can be easily managed by honing the mentioned skills.
When we contact our candidates, it is a similar scenario, as they need our time, empathy, right listening and confidence to give us their positive response. If any one is missing in our tone and speech, it leads to them not giving us their candidature for any roles. These things kind of remain in mind for several months and years, and that also gets attached as an image about our other recruiters, as if we lack the right communication skills.
Some short tips to handle communication very well. Working with many corporates in their voice related process, have listed a few that would be most ideal to use in any conversation.
Voice control
Ensuring what you speak and how you do it is very important. Not raising or lowering your pitch, keeping it firm, showing empathy and understanding with words- while the other talks, not getting aggressive while trying to prove a point, not getting meek too when you are in the wrong. These help in giving confidence in your talk.
Whenever you are getting ready to talk to your candidate or colleague, you need to know what topic you are going to discuss, and accordingly, plan out the words that you will use, note down the important aspects of discussion, keep in mind the background that you want to share. These will give you the assertiveness required to convey your message.
After all the discussion is done, how you close the call or talk is very important too. Be clear and concise in what you took from the discussion, whether you want to continue with the candidature or topic, or not. Providing or taking feedback there itself would be a great idea, so that you can improve for the next time.
There are many other smart tips that I have learnt and will share them in future.
To conclude, Communication in any form, between any type of persons, any age group, or ethnicity, should be precise and clear, so that it does not hamper any relation in the process.
Let’s ensure that we at Unnati follow the right skills and use them correctly with everyone we meet and talk to.